dbvalid giving different errors?
SQL Anywhere (Windows 2008 R1 64bit)We run dbvalid on a backup of a database. The database has two dbspaces, total size is 26GB.Backup is performed...
View Articlesa_validate() should return a language-agnostic return value
We use sa_validate() within system events to validate the database. As such, the procedure's return value is checked for successful runs.The v12.0.1 doc does state the following:The procedure returns a...
View ArticleThe database could not be validated.
HiWhen running VALIDATE DATABASE from Sybase Central (or in Interactive SQL as command) I get the following messages:Page 0000037d of database file "E:\SQLAnywhere12\databases\Hades.db" references a...
View Articledbvalid gives 'Run time SQL error' on certain tables
[SQL Anywhere 64-bit]I ran dbvalid against an offline database using this command:"%SQLANY12%\bin64\dbvalid.exe" -c "uid=dba;pwd=***;dbf=mydatabase.db;eng=validate;start=dbeng12 -r -ch...
View ArticleInconsistent orphaned page validation error
SQLAnwyhere: Does anyone have any ideas as to why some validations pass, whilst others return an orphaned page error?Details:We got notified about an orphaned page error...
View ArticleValidation Errors
SQL Anywhere Validation Utility Version several errors and wondering how critical each are and what it would take to correct:Issue...
View ArticleFailure to apply transaction log - can I force apply of log?
I have a database that had an assertion failed. When I get the last backup and try to apply the LOG file I get a validation error. Come to find out the indexes on 6 tables needed to be rebuilt. The...
View Article-1230 error Ultralight. Too many cursors
Hi, I have written some 200 SQL statements to run in different preparestatements.After executing each statement iam closing the prepare statement. and after fectching data from resultset m closing the...
View ArticleWhat can I do when my database has become corrupt or I lost my credentials?
Preface: That question has been answered by Jeff Albion in comments on an answer to question dba account. Nevertheless, I think it's worthwhile to document it here on its own, in an attempt to protect...
View ArticleAssertierung fehlgeschlagen: 101412 (SB10) - DB still online
I used dbvalid for checking a copy of my productiv database in Sybase 10. Today i got an error like this Foreign key "XXXXX_FK" has invalid or duplicate index entries SQL error (-300) Run-time SQL...
View ArticleValidate sql statements
I was thinking that I could use:SELECT PLAN('statement goes here');If the result is some text, then I know the syntax of the sql statement is valid. Is there a better way of doing such validations?I'm...
View Articledbvalid.exe options
I'm trying to sort out exactly what validation methods are used with the different switches for dbvalid.exeThe docs say that by default "dbvalid validates all the tables, materialized views, and...
View Articledbvalid.exe unable to start database
When replaying logs on a standby database and then validating it in (in read only mode) we occasionally come across this oddity. DBValid is unable to start the database even though the previous log...
View ArticlePrimary key Index error
Some of our customers faced this problem: After some time of heavy usage of one table (many inserts and deletes, but max about 200 rows in average table size) sometimes the primary key index of this...
View ArticleCorrupt blob in table.
On validating a SQLA 16 database we get the following. Can this be fixed ?Rogue page found in blob on page 00036a00 of table "Ticket_Templates" in database file "c:\sdata\store18_m.db" Invalid blob...
View ArticleHow does the VALIDATE TABLE SQL statement report an error?
Does it raise an exception?( or can someone tell me how to force an error? )For example, the dbvalid.exe utility appears to run VALIDATE TABLE statements, and is able to determine "No errors...
View ArticleValidate table progress
Is the statement validate table logging anywhere its Progress? Can I find anything in the server messages or the request logging?
View ArticleBackup of Database while in Use
I have a 40gb database (SQL Anywhere 17) that I am trying to backup and have begun to get errors when validating a certain table. I am using a maintenance plan that runs when the database should be at...
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